Art - photos - reflets

Art - photos - reflets

Art-photos-reflets in English

Water , movement , sky , boats , colors , wind but not too much , improbables images of reflections , hulls reflections but also masts and skies reflections , and because the reality representation isn't an end in itself , topics are only pretexts to express myself , to express my own sensibility .


And , doubtless , have another glance on what surrounds us , so often overlooked by the naked eye .


In the course of the weeks , of the years , you will discover a lot of reflections , especially boats reflections , but according to my inspiration the subjects will change , because I also change .


This website is regularly updated , thank you in advance if you want to meet me again .


Thanks for your visits , thanks for your comments , it's a pleasure for me to share with you my passion for photography .



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